Florence L. Parkhurst
(Click on the painting above for a larger view)
All Artwork is Copyrighted ( C ), No Reproduction Without Permission

(1.) Makai Lanai  22" x 28"

(2.) Guzmania Puna Gold  20" x 24"

  (3.) Anthiriums 20" x 24"

  (4.) Aechmea Faciata 20" x 24"

(5.) Vriesca Zamorensis 20" x 24"

  (6.) Rainbow Eucalyptist 20" x 24"

  (7.) Heliconia 20" x 24"

(8.) Red Antheriums 20" x 24"

  (9.) Still life with Tulips 20" x 24"

  (10.) Vriesca Poelmanii 20" x 24"

(11.) Zinnias 20" x 24"




  (12.) Orchids 20" x 24"

(13.) Two Plants 20" x 24"

  (14.) White Anthuriums & Bird of Paradise
    20" x 24"

(15.) Tillandsia Hybrid 20" x 24"

  (16.) Tillandsia Hybrid II 20" x 24"

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